Campus Parent
Fremont County School District #14
Wednesday 09/22/2021
WIS families;
We'd like to share the procedures in place regarding accessing school work during an extended absence such as a quarantine or isolation situation.
If your child is placed in quarantine or isolation by a health provider, please contact the school nurse (Jessica Cecrle or Penny Mann). The nurse will notify the principal and secretary of an extended absence for your child. The secretary/principal will notify your child's teacher(s) of an absence for "x" days. Each teacher (counselor for high school) is to gather school work, or an explanation of work to be completed on Canvas if your child has home access. The secretary will collect the work at the office and notify you that the work is ready to be picked up. If you are unable to pick up the work, it will be delivered by the home school coordinator to the home.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's building or principal. Our goal is for students to continue learning if placed in a quarantine or isolation situation.
Thank you for your support as we continue to work through the challenges of COVID.
Stephanie Zickefoose
WIS Interim Superintendent